DIY Tutorial: Shadow Box Piggy Bank

DIY Tutorial- Shadow Box Piggy BankDIY Tutorial: Shadow Box Piggy Bank
Photo –

When I was a kid, I used to put all of my coins in a piggy bank. I’d always get excited when it started getting really heavy. A heavy piggy bank = dollar signs! This video tutorial by HeyKayli reminds me of those days, but what I love about her DIY Piggybank is that she uses a shadow box to help you achieve your goals! Seeing your money in the piggy bank can help you keep track of your progress. I’m personally more of a visual person when it comes to setting goals, and I need something to remind me of the reason why I’m setting those goals.

This is definitely something that you can try at home!

Tools and Materials Needed:

1. Shadow Box (can be found in any arts and crafts stores or online)
2. Scrapbooking Paper
3. Mod Podge
4. Glue Stick
5. Painter’s Sponge
6. Scissors


1. I always love things that are multifunctional. Aside from using this as a piggy bank, I like to also use it as a decorative piece for my room. I usually like to save money for travel so I’d cut a beautiful, artsy picture of a landmark of a particular place that I’d plan to visit and then use other materials to make an interesting design. Seeing a picture of the things you dream of can help your motivation. 🙂

2. Use a glue stick and a glue gun to make sure that the design of your piggy bank lasts longer.

3. Instead of a piggy bank, you could stick a few fake flowers on your shadow box. Arrange them in a way that will make them look aesthetically pleasing. You can also paint the shadow box in a color that will fit your room accordingly.

4. Another idea is to use the shadow box to keep mementos of places that you traveled to. Use significant items and display them somewhere in your home to remind you of the fun times that you’ve had.

Ok, here is the video: